

(440) 826-2231

  • 萨瓦纳·克雷格在苏格兰留学

    Study at a foreign 大学 for a semester or even a full year through an 独立的 study program. Savanah Craig '18 spent a semester 沉浸 herself in Scottish culture and life at the 大学 of Stirling.

  • BW students travel to India as part of BW's "discovering India" seminar

    Faculty-led seminars last from two to six weeks and enable you to explore a specific topic with 同学们 and faculty. BW students spent two weeks in India as part of BW's 发现 India seminar.

  • Mike Comieski在意大利留学

    Many programs offer the choice to study in English or in the local language. Mike Comienski '19 studied at Siena Italian Studies, a 语言 and cultural immersion program in Siena, Italy.

  • 爱尔兰的BW教育和HPESS学生.

    BW 教育 and HPESS students spent the semester learning about the 教育 system in Ireland. While abroad, they had 机会 to student teach and complete coaching 实习.

  • 商业和政治科学专业的学生学习当地的商业和政治,同时沉浸在加纳的文化中.

    During their study abroad trip to Ghana, business and 政治 science students learn about local business and politics while 沉浸 自己 in Ghanaian culture.

  • 国际研究专业的安娜·安尼琴科(Anna Anikienko)在法国阿卡瓦因大学(AUI)度过了一个学期, Morocco.

    国际 studies major Anna Anikienko spent a semester at Al Akhawayn 大学 (AUI) in Ifrane, Morocco. Students are fully 集成 into life at AUI, taking classes and living with local and 国际 students.

  • 一个在摩洛哥留学的学生,俯瞰着一个小镇.

    Morocco is a popular study abroad 目的地 for students studying 业务, 经济学, history, 国际 studies and Arabic. Students can fulfill both major and minor course 需求 by pursuing this 机会.

  • 一位语言病理学研究生在赞比亚评估一位病人.

    Students in BW's graduate 语言 病理 (SLP) program take a trip to Zambia as a part of their course 需求. Students work 与 local 从业人员 at several 医院, schools and other service sites.

  • 国际研究专业的切尔西·苏厄德整个暑假都在我们的合伙人那里实习, 危地马拉使团在帕纳哈切尔镇.

    国际 studies major Chelsea Seward spent her summer interning with our partner, Mission Guatemala in the town of Panajachel. Mission Guatemala works with local 社区 to 积极 impact the health, nutrition and 教育 within the region.



全球探索中心为所有学科和专业提供各种校外选择. 学生可以参加由教师领导的小组研讨会, 在国外大学学习或在美国参加实习.S. or abroad. 用一个学期、一个夏天、甚至一整年的时间去周游世界——选择权在你.
View study abroad 机会 currently available to BW students >


Costs for most study abroad and 校外 programs are 类似的 to the cost of a semester at BW.

For fall and spring programs, your federal and 机构 financial aid applies to programs 推荐 by Baldwin Wallace 大学 (program capacity limits may apply). 第一次 study abroad 参与者 may also qualify for a BW study abroad grant or a 制定 奖学金!

The cost of faculty-led study abroad programs 通常 includes airfare, 住宿、 ground 交通工具, 承认/活动 fees and some meals.

一代 Study Abroad 承诺 Partner

As a member of the 研究所 of 国际 教育的 一代 Study Abroad 运动, Baldwin Wallace is 承诺 to doubling the number of students who study abroad by the year 2019.


  • 2.5 GPA
  • 二年级学生 status
  • 完成 of at least one full semester at BW
  • A clear student conduct record for one year


  • 留学中国的学生

    During their time abroad in China, students 经验 five thousand years of Chinese culture 与 现代 business and 管理 practices. Visits with local companies give students insight into the world of 国际 business.

  • 公共关系专业的妮可·布莱尔在意大利罗马

    Public relations major Nicole Blair spent the semester at 大学 College Dublin (UCD). UCD is ranked within the top 1% of higher 教育 机构 worldwide. This photo was taken during a weekend 游览 to Rome, Italy.

  • 商科专业学生格温·杜贝尔在中国举着鲍德温·华莱士的旗帜.

    Business major Gwyn Dubel spent a semester in China, providing her with the 机会 to explore business on an 国际 level.

  • 运动科学专业的威尔·万斯在德国维特施泰因山脉的最高峰上.

    Exercise science major Will Vance spent three weeks in Germany, 探索 Munich and Berlin while enrolled in immersive language courses. He took 优势 of his day off to enjoy the view from the highest peak of the Wetterstein mountains.

  • 刑事司法和政治学专业的艾米·格斯滕在澳大利亚大堡礁浮潜.

    Criminal justice and 政治 science major Amy Gersten spent a semester at 大学 of the Sunshine Coast in 澳大利亚. In this photo, Amy took 优势 of the local 野生动物, where she 通气管 in the great barrier reef.

  • MBA学生Rachel Rudolph在中国.

    Some of BW's graduate programs include study abroad 组件. In this photo, Rachel Rudolph traveled to China as part of her MBA program.

  • 生物学专业的萨凡纳·克雷格周末在意大利拉斯佩齐亚的里奥马焦雷游览.

    Biology major Savannah Craig '18 spent a semester 沉浸 herself in Scottish culture and life at 大学 of Stirling. She is pictured on a weekend 游览 in Riomaggiore, La Spezia, Italy.

  • 爱尔兰的BW教育和HPESS学生.

    BW 教育 and HPESS students spent the semester learning about the 教育 system in Ireland. While abroad, they had 机会 to student teach and complete coaching 实习.

  • 留学中国的学生
  • 公共关系专业的妮可·布莱尔在意大利罗马
  • 商科专业学生格温·杜贝尔在中国举着鲍德温·华莱士的旗帜.
  • 运动科学专业的威尔·万斯在德国维特施泰因山脉的最高峰上.
  • 刑事司法和政治学专业的艾米·格斯滕在澳大利亚大堡礁浮潜.
  • MBA学生Rachel Rudolph在中国.
  • 生物学专业的萨凡纳·克雷格周末在意大利拉斯佩齐亚的里奥马焦雷游览.
  • 爱尔兰的BW教育和HPESS学生.